Are You Getting Your Money’s Worth?

Money Case

DLS hosted PBX is effectively a SaaS and we find the same issue cropping up there. Since the product was released we’ve been pushing at least one major update and countless smaller ones, and yet when we visit with clients we find that they aren’t using many new features we built for them. This makes me sad because it’s a really great product and no one’s taking the time to learn what it can do now.

Toll-Free Numbers: Monumental Waste or Smart Marketing Strategy?

Toll-Free Numbers

Not too long ago, any business that did business outside of their immediate area was known to have a toll-free number. That way, anytime a client or customer wanted to reach them, the company would get the call. It was good for business. Now that so many phone plans include long distance and even international long distance, does a company really need a toll-free number?

DLS Hosted PBX 5.4 Product Release Announcement

Today we are pleased to announce version 5.4 of the DLS Hosted PBX software. This release includes numerous feature improvements and bug fixes. Among some of the notable improvements: major overhaul of white labeling, call center functionality, added support for Google cloud printing, improvements to SMS, LDAP support to the operator panels, provisioning support for … Read more

VoIP Isn’t Cheaper

VoIP offers multiple benefits to businesses. These include cost effectiveness of scaling, better call quality when correctly provisioned and maintained, integrated communications features and more. However that doesn’t mean that the initial cost outlay to switch from a traditional line is low, or that reliability is necessarily better. VoIP offers advantages in many other ways.