Winning Campaigns with Hosted PBX

polical campaigns and hosted PBX platforms

Wars are won through effective communication and managing logistics. Political campaigns are no different. Effective campaign managers, like generals, must have an ability to rally staff to execute on an established plan with a central goal in mind. While political campaign battles are waged with words, the technology used should be just as cutting edge … Read more

Call Routing Rescue for Business

Hold Message Hell cartoon

Call routing for your business is critical to retaining happy customers and doing it the right way increases your satisfaction ratings. What could possibly be worse than getting stuck in Answering Machine Hell when you’re trying to call a business to secure a service or purchase a product? Well, the truth is, a fast busy … Read more

How Voicemail May Hurt Your Business

Voicemail risk

Perception is everything. Yoessu may be incredibly busy and sometimes, it is a fact of life that a large number of your callers get shuffled off to voicemail. Just because you’re busy doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take a couple minutes to think about what your voicemail is saying to your callers. What you said: “Hi … Read more

For Whom the Fraud Tolls

PBX hacking phone froud

Telephone fraud has been going on for a long time. It became prevalent in the 1960s, when DTMF (Dual-Tone Multiple Frequency) dialing was being introduced to replace pulse dialing from then-current rotary phones. Crafty individuals educated themselves and fabricated handheld red, black, and blue boxes that could generate the necessary tones to alter the target … Read more

Legal Firms can get more from VoIP systems

Legal Firms can get more from VoIP systems
Legal Firms Can Get More From VoIP SystemsModern VoIP systems are powerful communications tools. They help streamline workflows, improve client satisfaction and curb costs. In order to capitalize on the initial VoIP investment and get the most value possible, you must know your voip systems capabilities and understand how to use its tools properly. Most professionals focus keenly on their field with little or no thought about communications tools they use every day. Key features are often overlooked and sometimes making the time commitment for training isn’t seen as important as it should be.

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Voice Communications: Understanding Value Proposition and Cost

Value vs Price

Voice communications are an essential part of any business. In the age of messaging, email, and social media we continue to rely heavily on our phones. Keeping current with the technology is important but companies don’t typically upgrade essential pieces of their communications infrastructure on a whim. Most business phone equipment upgrade decisions are driven by … Read more

DLS Hosted PBX 5.0 Release announcement

Today I am pleased to announce the launch of the 5th major release of the DLS Hosted PBX. This release includes a number of significant enhancements to Queues, Faxing, Conferencing, Voicemail, Reporting, Call Routing, Predictive Dialer, and Interface Configuration. This release also includes some new features: LDAP Authentication, Multi-Tenant Support, and provisioning for Cisco 7945 handset and Bria softphone.

The VoIP Market’s Gotten a Lot Tougher for the Little Guy (Pt 2)

In many ways, VoIP regulations and taxes favor larger corporations, in both financial and structural ways.

The Price Competition Factor- Who Pays the Bill?

As VoIP services find themselves increasingly taxed at the State and Federal level, there’s a big question of who, exactly, will pay for these taxes, and how these tax increases will affect competition between large providers and small providers.

Generally speaking, large providers almost always have a price advantage over small providers. That isn’t to say large providers offer a greater value than small providers, but it is to say their economies of scale almost always ensure they can sell their services for less than their smaller competition.

This gives larger providers a distinct market advantage over smaller providers as taxes on VoIP increase. Larger providers are going to be better able to pass these taxes directly on to their customers instead of paying them out of pocket. Often they’ll be able to do so while still offering cheaper services than smaller providers.

Smaller providers face a bigger question as taxes rise- should they make their customers pay these taxes, raising their rates? Or should they pay these taxes themselves, sacrificing some of their already slim margins in order to continue to serve their customers at the same price point those customers are accustomed to?

Once again- let’s reiterate that we aren’t talking about value here, that we’re only talking about price. When it comes to price, larger providers almost always have leverage over smaller providers, which means these increased tax burdens have hurt smaller providers far more than their larger competition.

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The VoIP Market’s Gotten a Lot Tougher for the Little Guy (Pt 1)

The government has never really known what to do with VoIP.

Rules and Regulations

On the one hand, VoIP is a telephony service, and as such some people argue it should be regulated and taxed in the same vein as other telephony services (such as traditional PTSN networks).

On the other hand, VoIP is an online service, a platform that isn’t so different from any other online application you might utilize, and one that should be open to new, small service providers. Seen from this angle, the notion of taxing and regulating VoIP has been a thorny issue, to say the least.

Over the years, as VoIP has increased and improved the services it’s offered and gradually transformed further and further into a full-service telephony platform, VoIP has seen increasing regulatory and tax burdens placed upon it. These burdens have dramatically changed the VoIP landscape- especially for small VoIP providers and organizations looking to become VoIP providers.

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Is Telephony Dying? Depends on How You Look at It (Pt 2)

The reasons behind the drop in the telephony market are made clear in a statement tucked away in Infonetics’ report, which says:

“In the first quarter of 2013, enterprise PBX spending dropped to its lowest point since mid-2009. The big squeeze is coming from hyper-competitive price pressure all over, with average revenue per line down across the board. But conservative spending by businesses is exacerbating the problem in some regions, while demand is actually flat-to-up in North America and Asia, reflecting uneven economic recoveries.”

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