DLS Hosted PBX 5.1 is released

We are excited to announce to present and future clients of DLS Internet Services the release of previously announced DLS Hosted PBX 5.1. This release brings a number of new features requested by our clients. You may find complete list of changes in the DLS Hosted PBX 5.1 release notes. As always, much thought was put to increase … Read more

Legal Firms can get more from VoIP systems

Legal Firms can get more from VoIP systems
Legal Firms Can Get More From VoIP SystemsModern VoIP systems are powerful communications tools. They help streamline workflows, improve client satisfaction and curb costs. In order to capitalize on the initial VoIP investment and get the most value possible, you must know your voip systems capabilities and understand how to use its tools properly. Most professionals focus keenly on their field with little or no thought about communications tools they use every day. Key features are often overlooked and sometimes making the time commitment for training isn’t seen as important as it should be.

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Follow the Crowd to the Cloud at Your Own Risk

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Virtually everyone with a pulse on technology has heard the hype about “moving to the cloud”. Most people just assume that it’s the obvious thing to do in a world where they are virtually always online. I jumped on the bandwagon myself recently, checking out the latest version of Microsoft Office in the cloud, known … Read more


How VoIP Technology Works

Our Network Solutions and Services Team (NSS) provides premium I.T. consulting services with a focus on complex design, implementation, performance and optimization of our clients’ networks. Our engineers directly contribute to our clients’ success, deploying the latest networking technologies in the highly dynamic environments where they operate. NSS Engineers possess hands-on experience with a variety … Read more

Gartner Predicts BYOD Boom by 2018

In a recent report, research organization Gartner predicted that 70% of professionals will conduct their work on personal smart devices by 2018. To translate- Gartner effectively predicted that 70% of employees will be working on their own smartphones or tablets by 2018, a concept generally referred to as BYOD, or Bring Your Own Device.

If BYOD plays out as Gartner predicts than this will be a huge change in the workplace, and one that requires some extensive planning to implement properly, with minimal friction.

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Enterprise VoIP Market Prefers Private Cloud Over Public Cloud (Pt 2)

As previously stated, enterprise-class organizations are jumping onto the private cloud at much higher rates than the public cloud. Why are they doing this, and will this choice of private-over-public really spell the doom of a whole generation of Chief Information Officers, as some public-cloud boosters argue?

Public vs Private: Defined

The public cloud is the cloud we’ve all heard about, a space of shared storage, of software-as-service, a place where your organization doesn’t have to own any hardware of its own. In fact, the public cloud is sold as a place where your organization doesn’t need to hold any software of its own either, or really much of anything other than a few shipments of smartphones and tablets.

By contrast, the private cloud is a remote-hosted network solution that offers just about all of the streamlined benefits of the public cloud, but with a lot more control and security. In the public cloud the infrastructure hosting your network is shared with a bunch of other organizations. In fact, the infrastructure is shared with as many other organizations as your service provider thinks they can cram on theirs. By contrast, in the private cloud your organization’s data and applications are stored and managed through infrastructure that’s used exclusively by your own organization.

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Enterprise VoIP Market Prefers Private Cloud Over Public Cloud (Pt 1)

When you hear about virtualized business environments, remote-hosted network solutions and IP telephony services, you might think that all of these terms represent a single monolithic technology. While it’s clear the qualities of these services vary from vendor to vendor, not everyone is aware of the fact there are plenty of different deployment methods for each of these. In fact, the differences between one remote-hosted network deployment and another can be rather dramatic.

One of the biggest divides in the world remote-hosted networks lies between private and public cloud deployment. And while public clouds may be getting all the press, private clouds appear to be the deployment method the enterprise market is jumping to.

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Reliability Concerns in IP Telephony (Pt 1)

Most people see the benefits associated with IP telephony and feel pretty sold on the technology right off the bat. This isn’t too surprising. After all, it’s pretty natural to hear benefits like “lowered overhead,” “increasing organizational flexibility,” “expanded feature sets,” and to automatically say yes to whatever technology hands them over. But there are some people who feel a little skittish about IP telephony and aren’t completely wooed by the technology’s many benefits. Instead, these people let their concerns over the technology’s performance overwhelm their decision making process and they end up hemming-and-hawing instead of taking the plunge into IP telephony.

Thankfully many of the concerns some organizations feel over adopting IP telephony are unfounded or easy to guard against with proper provisioning. For example, let’s take a minute to look over a common concern related to IP telephony reliability, to see how well it stands up in the light of day.

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How Far is Too Far When Helping Clients in Tough Economic Times?

As a service provider offering essential phone service to our clients we need to make a lot of tough decisions regarding how we run our business, and that’s doubly true when our clients experience rough economic times. This is true not only for DLS but for many other smaller companies that develop close, personal relationships with their business clients over the years.

On the one hand service providers can be rather hard-nosed and impersonal with their clients and demand full payment, on time, every time their bill comes up due. Lots of providers take this approach. They don’t listen when their clients experience financial difficulties and they don’t make any overtures to help their partners out when times get tough. This hard-nosed approach is pretty common among larger service providers who tend to be less likely to ever meet their clients half-way.

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