Emergencies, Continuity of Business, and Remote Workers

Emergencies, Continuity of Business, and Remote Workers

Why businesses should consider the switch to a VoIP phone system now Coronavirus outbreaks are forcing many companies to make difficult choices. How do they continue to operate their business, provide the same level of service to our customers while utilizing remote workers? You need to remain in a position to provide your employees their … Read more

The Need for Firewall Configuration in VoIP

VoIP Firewall

The Need for Firewall Configuration in VoIP VoIP systems are a crucial investment for all organizations, regardless of their type or size. As these systems rely on the internet, they help streamline communication for organizations in a reliable and cost-effective manner. But, just like traditional telephony, VoIP networks are under threat of various impersonation-based identity … Read more

What is VoIP?

What is VoIP

What is VoIP? The following definitions and questions were reprinted from the FCC website    IP-Enabled Services Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), is a technology that allows you to make voice calls using a broadband Internet connection instead of a regular (or analog) phone line. Some VoIP services may only allow you to call other … Read more

How VoIP Makes Call Recording Easier – Use Cases of VoIP Call Recording

VoIP Call Recording

VoIP (voice over IP) systems have become a mainstream part of nearly every business. These phone systems are essential for making businesses profitable and efficient. However, as VoIP phone systems become more common, companies seek additional functionalities from their service providers. One of such additions is the feature of VoIP call recording. Call recording can … Read more

Challenges of Faxing in VoIP

VoIP Fax

Voice-over-IP (VoIP) is a cost-effective and reliable replacement of the public switched telephone network (PSTN). However, companies that switch to VoIP systems often complain that their fax machines or fax software do not work reliably. This is a problem because many businesses still depend on fax communication to continue with their usual workflow. As a … Read more

Beginners Guide to VoIP Audio CODECs

VoIP Network codec symbols -voip codecs list

A Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) network enables the transmission of voice calls through the Internet or other digital networks. These audio signals have to be encoded into digital data to be transferred over an IP network and vice versa. To make the transmission of audio signals faster, smoother, and improve the overall calling experience, … Read more

VoIP Network Security – How Can You Strengthen VoIP?

VoIP security

Voice over IP (VoIP) has come a long way from where it had started. It no longer has the same performance and availability issues it used to have in the beginning. In fact, many high-speed networks now integrate quality-of-service (QoS) technology to mitigate previous problems. However, some critics are quick to raise questions about the security of VoIP networks.