Tech Advice for Legal Professionals

iPadJD Blog

Are you apprehensive about incorporating mobile technology into your work or frustrated with colleagues reticent to try anything new despite the promise of greater efficiency? A little social therapy may help. A trusted blog for legal professionals helps readers safely explore new options and share ideas on what works with strategies for effective usage – … Read more

For Whom the Fraud Tolls

PBX hacking phone froud

Telephone fraud has been going on for a long time. It became prevalent in the 1960s, when DTMF (Dual-Tone Multiple Frequency) dialing was being introduced to replace pulse dialing from then-current rotary phones. Crafty individuals educated themselves and fabricated handheld red, black, and blue boxes that could generate the necessary tones to alter the target … Read more

Legal Firms can get more from VoIP systems

Legal Firms can get more from VoIP systems
Legal Firms Can Get More From VoIP SystemsModern VoIP systems are powerful communications tools. They help streamline workflows, improve client satisfaction and curb costs. In order to capitalize on the initial VoIP investment and get the most value possible, you must know your voip systems capabilities and understand how to use its tools properly. Most professionals focus keenly on their field with little or no thought about communications tools they use every day. Key features are often overlooked and sometimes making the time commitment for training isn’t seen as important as it should be.

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Is Your Company’s Data in Good Hands?

Safeguard Data with DLS

Bigger is better, or so we’ve been lead to believe. Business leaders often rely on the prestige of big name service providers for added confidence in making a selection without considering the big picture. You may feel secure in signing a collocation agreement with a recognized brand, but the reality is you are not absolved … Read more

The Right Technology Can Help Independent Physicians Thrive Under ACA

worried doctor

Nearly half of all independent physicians participating in the 2015 Independent Physician Outlook Survey stated that they’re likely to sell their practices to a large health care provider and exit the industry within the next decade. The ACA (Affordable Care Act), also known as “Obamacare” has created a highly uncertain future for independent physicians across … Read more

Embracing Freedom Because of Virtualization in the Private Practice

Chart showing relationship to ROI and early adoption.

No one begins their private practice with the hope of being mired in administration. Yet, more than ever, practitioners are suffering through regulatory challenges and added costs associated with compliance. Electronic health records or electronic medical records (EHR/EMR) rules intended to facilitate the electronic exchange of health information seem to represents a major hurdle for … Read more

The Cloud is Changing Everything for Healthcare Data Management

Chart of clinicians effected by regulatory issues

Major changes are occurring in the U.S. healthcare industry, thanks to the Affordable Care Act (ACA). As part of the law, adoption of electronic medical records was intended to facilitate improvements in the care of patients, yet many providers are lagging behind or rushing to the wrong judgement. Enablement of the electronic records represents a … Read more

Is Your Business Prepared?

DLS data backup and recovery

It is human nature to ignore the potential for something to go wrong, especially when you have never experienced it firsthand. However, a false sense of security can and does effect livelihoods. When a disaster strikes, few truly expect to realize incredible loss and inevitable regret from not having prepared well. Your Investment Your business … Read more

Follow the Crowd to the Cloud at Your Own Risk

Locked file image

Virtually everyone with a pulse on technology has heard the hype about “moving to the cloud”. Most people just assume that it’s the obvious thing to do in a world where they are virtually always online. I jumped on the bandwagon myself recently, checking out the latest version of Microsoft Office in the cloud, known … Read more

DLS Internet Services Races to Help Car Outlet Get Back to Business

Chicago building fire

At 3:20 a.m. one morning in March 2014, business as usual stopped for Total Finance, the loan division of Car Outlet, one of Chicago’s fastest growing aftermarket car dealerships and financing groups. Nearly 100 firefighters responded to the fire on West Irving Park Road that had engulfed the company’s offices, causing the entire roof to … Read more