The Truth About Call Quality: It’s (Mostly) Not Your VoIP Provider

You’re on an important call when the audio suddenly garbles or cuts out. Annoying? Yes. But in most cases, your VoIP provider isn’t the problem—your network is. What Really Causes VoIP Call Issues? Research shows that over 90% of call quality problems originate from external factors, not VoIP providers. Here’s where issues usually stem from: … Read more

Desktop Softphones vs. Mobile Softphones: Understanding the Key Differences

Hello, I’m Sam Rozenfeld, CEO of DLS. We have been in the VoIP industry since 2004, and over the years, we have frequently been asked why desktop softphones behave differently from mobile softphones. In this article, I will clarify these distinctions in plain language, with a touch of light humor along the way. What Are … Read more

Business at The Speed of Thought: How Modern Communications Technology Has Changed Our Expectations

Modern Communications Technology changes the way we do business

The world as we know it changes with every passing second. These changes subtly creep up on us and go almost unnoticed till we reflect on the past. And suddenly it dawns on us that our present world is a far cry from the world of as recent as the past decade. Unified Communications effect … Read more

DLS Reseller Arrangements

DLS reseller agreement image

Your competition is tough and your customers are constantly on the lookout for better value in every service they receive. The vendor that offers the best solution and partnership with great value wins! DLS can help you get there As a trusted DLS partner, we provide a fantastic opportunity to enhance your service offering with … Read more

Companion Animal Growing Pains

Companion Animal Specialty and Emergency Hospital has rapidly become a networking hero in North West Chicago. They serve the demands of area veterinarians and clients with specialized internal medicine, physical therapy and skilled surgical services. Their practice grew from a need in 1997 to help general veterinary staff with after-hours and weekend emergency coverage. Facility … Read more

Voice Communications: Understanding Value Proposition and Cost

Value vs Price

Voice communications are an essential part of any business. In the age of messaging, email, and social media we continue to rely heavily on our phones. Keeping current with the technology is important but companies don’t typically upgrade essential pieces of their communications infrastructure on a whim. Most business phone equipment upgrade decisions are driven by … Read more

What UC Features Do Businesses Actually Want?

The promise of UC is great for the future of business, but what features do businesses, their employees and their managers, actually want from this communications advancement? A new survey conducted and released by a top UC provider offers some clues to what elements of modern communications technologies businesses find most frustrating, and what they want to take advantage of when they decide to make the change over to a UC solution.

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Unified Communications Boost Headset Sales


Some industry participants argued that modern telephony technologies have made communications hardware obsolete. These individuals believe that due to big jumps in hosted services, and due to the increase in telephony software options, the

In fact, incoming data indicates the demand for telephony hardware may be growing in line with increasing demand for telephony software. average business will jettison their telephony hardware and opt for entirely soft and remote systems. We’ve argued this isn’t the case for some time now, and an increasing amount of data and recent industry projections seem to prove us right.

How could this be? What’s driving this trend? Unified communications.

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Can Your IT Department Handle the Switch to VoIP on Their Own? (Pt 3)

Employee Training

First of all, you can have your IT employees trained to handle VoIP telephony. While we have a clear bias when it comes to this larger question, we admit that it’s certainly possible to train your IT staff  to the point where they become proficient enough with the VoIP and Unified Communications technologies to run your PBX systems effectively and efficiently. Training is always an option, and when it comes to switching to IP telephony it can be a really good option, especially if you have a robust IT department that is already experienced in handling your existing phone system but needs to focus on the particulars of the system you’re considering.

Of course if you follow this course your employees should get training in the specific system you’re going to adopt both: as users and as administrators. This will hold true to any new communications system, bet it a hosted PBX or a premise-based system. In fact, regardless of where that system is located, the concepts and operating principles of any IP PBX are pretty much the same.

However, even with training of your IT staff your business may still require consulting assistance from a VoIP expert at some point during your implementation and perhaps later. For that reason outsourced Unified Communications solutions are gaining popularity.

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How the Demand for Mobile VoIP Changes Business VoIP Market

The increased demand for mobile VoIP is changing the forecast for the global business VoIP market over the next six years.  According to Global Industry Analysts Inc., a worldwide business strategy and market intelligence source, global business VoIP is being influenced by two factors which include the rapid acceptance of VoIP by businesses around the globe and the increased demand for mobile VoIP.

In terms of market segments, the fastest growing market is hosted PBX services.  Additionally, the VoIP market on a global scale will be driven by the value and cost savings to companies around the world thanks to new unified communications technology.  The hosted PBX market is expected to increase at a Compound Annual Growth Rate by more than twelve from 2012 to the year 2018.

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